Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

Thanks to Tate English, a former classmate and another great photog, for a fab pic of a robot that looks how I have been feeling lately!!
Tate English took this pic to test out a film magazine. He took quite a few pics, (check them out here…they’re fun!) and posted this one on Facebook and used it as a icon.
The moment I saw this pic, I thought about how I have been feeling the last few weeks. There have been some serious blows and some major triumphs…
I acknowledge that my heart has been broken and that I was healed beyond having to feed someone else’s need to be needed.
I realized that I was more sinful that I wanted to admit, but I am better than I was when I was called.
I finally walked away from a community, but am walking into a family.
But even in that, because all of that and in spite of that I feel strong…
There is joy here and that sounds crazy and yet it makes perfect sense.
Abba, I am in a great place!
Without You… without Your wisdom and Your Love, I would have found these last few weeks unbearable, as proof of my failure and that I can’t do anything right.
And that’s because without You, I can’t do anything right. Thanks for making me see how strong You are. Thank You for being there and thanks for understanding what I am trying to say here even though I think it’s coming across.