This is the first blog I have done in about two years. I wanted to do this because what is happening will mark the great change of my thirties.
The return to the Church.
Not that I wanted to return. I was pretty damned happy with my life. There were no tragedies. No great crisis. Nothing.
Just a call. One that I tried to ignore, but wouldn’t let up. So I answered the call…
And that’s when the shit hit the fan.
But I want to talk about the things that you never think about when you go to church, or the things that people feel would make them seem less Christian. Like being weirded out by the Stepford smiles of the pastor, trying to defend your choice to one daughter while teaching discernment to another or the number of translations of the Bible it takes to make a bad-ass have a emotional meltdown and cry in a Christian bookstore (roughly 42).
And the search for the right level of ‘churchiness’… and a Hello Kitty bible cover.
I’m worried about fucking this up frankly, but I remember that He called me and I know for damned sure that He knew what he was calling….
Or at least that is my hope.
So here we go.
The Path and the Call. Welcome.
I have a favorite quote about sincerity: “If the heart be not sincere, words and deeds, however good, are all mere outward show and can avail nothing. If only the heart be sincere, anything can be accomplished.” That nugget courtesy of the Emperor Meiji, who oversaw the modernization of Japan.
And courtesy of me: Your heart’s in it. Because of that, and as long as that stays true, there’s no messing it up. 🙂
You could start by watching the f-bombs while talking directly about God…. just a thought….